Remember those moments when you felt so blessed to be alive, when you were so present that everything around you was beautiful, amazing, a gift.
Remember moments with other people, when you felt so happy, remember travels when you felt so free, remember the nature, that you observed so many times, that makes you feel that you're in the right way, with all its beauty.
Now, in this challenging moment, look around you and find all this beauty and bliss in things that are around you, right now. Open your eyes and your mind too, cause I'm sure you will find it. You´re strong and wonderful and the world around is getting better, more beautiful, more wonderful everyday.. so don't miss it...
Be present in every moment and you will find beauty everywhere.
Your right now moment is a blessing, so just that it's enough to make you open your eyes every second with a smile on your face and a feeling of gratitude inside.
I don't believe in God but I believe in Love and I'm thankful to myself to have been able to make my love grow more and more in this years...
Cause everyday I find reasons to be happy...and to keep on loving.
como está tudo a corrr por ai?
A tua escrita é sempre profunda e inspiradora! :)
Eu costumo dizer que as pessoas só são felizes quando aprendem a conviver com elas proprias! assim não apanham "secas" e todo o tempo, é tempo de qualidade! ;)
Po aqui tudo optimo! Hoje e dia de preparar as malas porque amanha viajo de volta para Portugal... Por um lado adorava ficar, por outro estou super entusiasmada por voltar! O ambiente aqui e fantastico, aconselho a qualquer pessoa... E maravilhoso!
E sim, acredito que so podemos ser felizes quando nos sentimos bem com quem somos, nos aceitamos e nos sentimos confortaveis na nossa propria pele...