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One night, we sat down on the grass, looking at the sky, at the stars... Without knowing, I would remember that moment as a life-changing one. And every time I close my eyes I can picture ourselves there, feel that peace and feel your presence. It feels kind of funny to write this about someone I only know for 3 months and I only was with for 2 weeks but, boy I feel like I know you for a long long time...

For me your presence was and is magical, even though now I can only think of you, cause we cannot be together, even just thinking about you is magical, makes me smile and forget world. Sometimes I feel like I just want to run to my dreams, so that I can see you, talk to you, be with you, feel you. And now I'm thinking "This is crazy right?"... Yes, it is. I'm crazy. And I've always loved that, but even that with you gained much more meaning. You're some other kind of crazy. You're way ahead of my craziness...and you know what? That's absolutely irresistible! For me, having the opportunity to know you was an open eye situation, you are that kind of person that can touch others...and you touched me (not in that sense, but also! ahah) and you helped me seeing my life and the world from a different perspective, and you helped me looking at my dreams as ideas that can come true... I found hope by your side. I think your acceptance just made me feel great and made me love you right away just for what you are, without expecting anything. I hope you had the opportunity to feel the same way and I hope you feel the same way much more times - preferably with me, cause I would love it, but that's not the point.

You know, I miss you and I'm happy that I do, I would rather be with you of course, but when I miss you I can truly realize that everything was so special for me when we were together. I know that this doesn't make sense, but I feel  that I experienced the love of my life in only a few days and it was amazing!

I think many times that I don't know were life will take me, and I don't know were life will take you too, and in the end I just want you to really live fully and happily... But deep inside, I have this feeling that we will meet again, that this is not over and that maybe... just maybe...I will have much more to write about us.

You never know...

Thank for showing me the real meaning of life and also, after all, the real meaning of love and happiness. You are, without any doubt, one of the most amazing and special people I've ever met - and please, don´t ever loose your craziness, that special thing that makes you an unique and beautiful person.

Big and strong hug ( I can really feel your arms around me right now, it feels so so good).


Mensagens populares deste blogue


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a vontade

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Dizer adeus no trabalho

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