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Why I love Bojack Horseman Tv Show

I think everyone should watch it. Seriously, I do. I love it, I learn with it, and it make me think about myself and others around me in different perspectives. It is not just a tv show, it's an amazing dark tv show, that shows you how complex life is, and yet how we are the ones to blame for making it a mess. You know that saying that goes "you don't know the wars people that cross you in the street are fighting, so be gentle with everyone". Yap, Bojack is that dumbass stupid person that gets on your nerves, makes you mad and wanting her to go away. And yet, you will love Bojack. Because you will understand Bojack, you will have the opportunity to discover where all his dumbassness comes from. And you will feel empathy. You will see yourself in different situations, characters and feelings. 
I tell you more, not only will you love the dickhead character, you will also feel irritated with the most friendly, nice character, just because he is too nice. Damn, what does it say about you? Ahah. Does it happen in you "real" life? See what I mean? Hope so.
Everything can be fantasy in Bojack Horseman tv show, except the deepness and complexity of every characters' troubles, which allows you to deal with serious situations in a fantasy world where you have horsemen, talking cats, dogs dating humans, among other stuff. You deal with the situations from the outside, but you are brought into the fantasy world, so you don't even realize...until, the episode ends and you have to face real life again after dealing with the feeling and thoughts that the episode developed in you. Honestly, not everyday is a good day to watch it, at least for me. But you know what? I had some very sad, depressing days and watching Bojack made me feel less alone, like we were buddies, facing our problems together. And if Bojack could do it, so could I. And I did. And I still love Bojack.


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